Manual dexterity is not her only finesse, Jayneen also crafts sounds other than the whirring of drills and sucking of suctions. Tapestry, her solo debut album was recently launched and the Publications Team had the great pleasure of having (coercing?) her for an interview to learn more about her musical journey. Check it out!

What inspired Tapestry?

The album was inspired by a lot of different life experiences. I’ve always used writing as my own personal “therapy”, so a lot of the songs come from certain times in my life where I needed to get thoughts out of my head and onto paper. My Christianity has also played a massive role in the music that I write, and a lot of my songs are inspired by words from the bible as well :)

How/when did you start making music?

I’ve been writing songs since I was a little girl haha, I used to make up silly little songs about my food, or about my friends all the time! Music has always been a natural way for me to express myself, so I guess it’s just a part of who I am :)

How long did it take to complete whole process?

Haha, well… It’s been a long time coming! I started talking about making an album about four years ago, and we began recording a few songs. But life got a bit busier as I started working towards getting into Dentistry, and so the balance tipped a little bit and my creativity took a backseat for a few years. I started to take it a lot more seriously again this past year after realizing how much I really missed it all. It’s been a long road, but I’m just really glad to be able to finally share Tapestry with people :)

How has the response to Tapestry been?

It’s been so much more of a response than I ever thought it would be! Honestly, I thought everyone would have forgotten about it by now, but people still email asking for copies, and people are ordering CD’s online every day! We’ve been really supported by friends and family, but the real surprise is the response from strangers. It’s all been really positive, and I’m so grateful for that, and humbled by that too :’)

How do you balance your music with the craziness of Dentistry?

Haha I think music helps me keep my life in balance, especially with Dentistry! Whenever I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed/stressed out, I reach for my guitar, and it always brings me back to center. You’ve got to have some sort of outlet in a course like this, otherwise you’d go insane! :P

What is after Tapestry? Can we expect more music in the future?

Well, I’m actually in the process of writing a second album! Most of the songs from the first one were written a long time ago, so it’s really exciting to be able to express myself from this new space that I am in. My boyfriend, Glendon, plays guitar (AMAZINGLY… And I’m not just saying that because I have to :P). We’ve play gigs together a lot with my older songs, so now that we’re working on some of these newer ones together, it’s adding some different flavours to the mix as well. It’s exciting times ahead… Watch this space! :)

Who is your favourite musician/artist?

Ohhh wow…. That has many many answers hahaha. I listen to a lot of different types of music, so I have so many favourites! A few are Alex Vargas, James Vincent McMorrow, Moses Sumney, Rhodes, Frank Ocean, Twenty One Pilots, Brooke Fraser, Bethel, Delilah, Chance the Rapper, Kendrick Lamar, Sigur Ros, Lauryn Hill, 2-Pac, Adele, Simon and Garfunkel, Sia, Jessie J, John Mayer, Linkin Park, and Coldplay. I could seriously go on and on haha.


Where can we listen your music?

You can get my music at

It’s also available on Itunes, Google Play Music, and Amazon: Jayneen Orwa - Tapestry

The album is available for download at the following links:



Google Play:

You can also find it on Napster, 7digital, emusic, 24/7entertainment, Shazam, akazoo, aspiro, kkbox, and saavn.


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